Ex-Pat Downslide
JOURNAL ENTRY – Sunday, April 15, 2018 – Argenton-sur-Creuse, France Am just starting to feel the ex-pat downslide that I expected 3-4 months in, but which is hitting me now almost 6 months after coming to France. Seems to be a combination of loneliness, depression, and frustration with the French way of life/systems, and overall malaise. Everything’s starting to look and feel the same; the pixie dust in my eyes has been washed out; I’m no longer seeing “la vie en rose” (life “through rose-colored glasses”). I wish I had a partner; I miss the lifelong partner I did have, with whom I indeed once traveled around France. I miss having a partner who could help and share some of the burdens and responsibilities – and the discoveries and beauty. And yet, I do value my independence…. I have to keep reminding myself that this has all along been (supposed to be) an ADVENTURE, not a “life sentence”! I didn’t feel “done” at the end of my time in the Limousin...